Friday, January 4, 2013

Welcome to 2013!

Hi guys!  Been a long time since I've posted, I know. Life gets busy, writing gets hard, and sometimes we just feel the need to hide from the better self that we're working so hard to become. That was me, last year. I started the Facebook page, started this blog, and started writing about difficult stuff. And my brain went into survival "I don't want to deal with this" mode, and I ran away. Plain and simple.

Shhh.... I'm hiding....

I have several goals for the next year. I detest the word "resolutions" because let's face it; no one keeps their New Year's resolutions. So, these are goals. Something to strive towards, and work for. First, I'm going to be posting here no less than twice a week, Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. The posts will look something like this:

Monday Madness - what craziness my life has brought me. This could be a post about binge eating, weird meal choices, insane cravings, or whatever other madness is happening in my world.

Grati-Thursday - This is a term coined on a GREAT blog, "The Klonopin Chronicles." I highly recommend you check her out. She and Katy over at I Want a Dumpster Baby have taught me that gratitude is essential to becoming the best version of myself. So on Thursdays my post will be devoted to gratitude.

Sweet Saturday - Dedicated to celebrating whatever successes I've had in the past week. Or maybe chocolate. Or cake.   Mmmmm....cake....

So that's what the blog will look like from here on out. There may be more posting going on than what's listed, of course; not everything that I write will have a place on those three days. But I will post at least a minimum of those three days a week in order to help myself stay on track and present on this page. I'm looking forward to this year, guys, and I hope that you are too.  What goals did you set for yourself this year?

1 comment:

  1. love it. and i certainly know about running away. the thing is, YOU ARE BACK. well done! all my love and support! xoxo
